I don't know about you, but I was programmed to think I am not good enough.
Submissiveness is a huge thing in the female lineage in my culture. When I was born, women were finally somewhat liberated on the superficial level - women go to university, get good jobs, make good money. In fact, Hong Kong women became unnecessarily bossy to men especially in domestic environments.
But all these things have little to do with how much inner strength and confidence we truly have on the basic level. In fact, the more indigent we are inside, the more controlling we act outwardly. We think we will gain power by taking control over other people. We also think that we will gain more power by becoming rich and successful, we think we will be loved if we look good and carry a Gucci handbag.
Behind all these disguises, who really is there? The little wounded girl, the inner child who does not want to be seen. We think that if we don't appear to be certain ways, we are not worthy of love and connection. We think that we need to hide our wounded child in order to be loved.
That is so wrong.
Shame gets passed down from generation to generation. We don’t even know where did that begin and sometimes there’s no point in chasing the reason. As we look at ourselves right now, ask if we are feeling inadequate and unworthy? Are we afraid to show up in life challenges? Do we give up easily? At challenging moments, do we whisper to ourselves, "No I can't do it"?
The good news is, the thought of "I can't do it" is not at all substantial but it is just a mindset programming. Of course we are not talking about flying like a bird or traveling in speed of light in this human flesh. With those scenarios, things were already pre-determined through human life.
But when it comes to life challenges such as how we can go beyond ourselves and make changes and grow, it’s often just a matter of realizing how our current mindset hinder us from taking the challenges.
When we think we can't do it, we can't. But at the moment when we think we can do it, we can. It's a reality shift based on a change of thought. Everything becomes possible if we empower ourselves by saying yes.
None of the "flaws" that we have in our personalities are our true nature. They are just fleeting conditionings from our past. None of them are permanent and fixed. If we identify ourselves as those qualities, then we are. If we identify ourselves as part of the larger growing process of human evolution, then that will become our reality.
As we learn to take responsibilities of our actions, we start to own the mistakes we made, we admit, feel and forgive. But sometimes we forget that we also need to own our goodness and brilliance as well. We are all born with the sacred structure of light, we are all radiant and confident in our true nature.
By owning that inherent basic goodness that we all have, we start to tap into our creative self. By realizing that true self, we start to create a reality that is full of potential and possibilities.
It's just a matter of saying, "Yes I can do it." It is that simple.